пятница, 29 марта 2013 г.

Food Treats: Italian Seafood ‘Fritto Misto’

Italian Fritto Misto

When I go out for dining, one of my favorite food treats is ‘fritto misto‘, a mix of deep-fried seafood. Although it may seem a very simple and common dish, finding a restaurant in Italy serving a really good ‘fritto misto has become quite a challenge.

Seafood ‘fritto misto’, an Italian delicacy but finding the right place is not easy

Deep-frying is an apparently simple cooking method, but in fact it is rather complicated, if you want as a result a delicate dish. Deep-frying is an art, and I’m very bad at it. That’s why I rather go out to a good restaurant to savour this delicacy.

To get the perfect deep-fried seafood, you must use the right type of oil, know the proper quantity, let it heat to the ideal temperature and then quickly dip and cook the food, whether it is fish, vegetables or any other ingredient. The result should be crunchy outside, smooth inside and. most of all, not oily.

In the case of seafood ‘fritto misto’, the secret is not only in the perfect frying method but also in the raw materials: high quality and super fresh seafood make for a huge difference.

Finding out the right place for a good ‘fritto misto’ is not easy, even for Italians. I’ll try to give a few tips, which are by no means comprehensive.

1) Oddly enough, Milan is one of the best places for eating fish. And, of course, any place on the seashore (but beware of the tourist traps…)

2) Ask the locals, and avoid as much as possible restaurants displaying external menus in 4 languages, with photos. It means they’re touristy places.

3) Choose a specialised ’Fish restaurant’ (called ‘Ristorante di Pesce‘ in Italian)

Have you ever eaten a really good ‘fritto misto’ in Italy? And where?

More reading: Wild About… Crabs

Travel Blogs



Food Treats: Italian Seafood ‘Fritto Misto’

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