среда, 20 марта 2013 г.

The City of Colour: Salvador

After our mad-hectic dash through the Amazon Jungle it was nice to temperately call a place home for at least a week. That home would be Salvador, the Afro Brazilian capital of Brazil.


Thanks to Hostelbookers, we were put up in a wicked guest house called Hostel Galeria 13 ; our room was called “The Dog House” lol. No joke, this was one of the best hostels I have ever been to. Why is it so amazing? Two things: hot breakfast buffet and free Caipirinha happy hour, EVERYDAY.

Yes food is the way to my heart.

Moving on to Salvador itself now. This city is full of life, culture and music. I have never been to Africa nor truly experience any African influenced cultures, but judging from what I have seen so far I am loving it! In a span of 3 days we got to experience live music at the bar across our room twice.

Live Music - Salvador, Brazil

As well as free Olodum drum shows, concerts and outdoor theatre groups.

Outdoor Theatre Preformance - Salvador, Brazil

And let’s not forget about the best of all, Tuesday Night Block Party! Where the entire Pelourinho spills out onto the street to take part in dancing, drinking, eating and of course, more music!

Tuesday Night - Salvador, Brazil


The Pelourinho is the old town of Salvador now a UNESCO World Heritage site and major tourist attraction in Bahia and Brazil.  It receives funding to help keep all the buildings painted and support the culture festivities, hence why there is always something going on here. The whole area of the Pelourinho itself isn’t all that large, we easily walked from one end to the other in less than 15 minutes.

The Pelourinho - Salvador, Brazil

In the center square, or Cathedral Square you’ll find brightly coloured ladies selling traditional Bahian Acaraje dishes.

Salvador, Brazil

The Pelourinho - Salvador, Brazil

Then there is this thing call the Elevator. I am not entirely sure as to why I am so deeply fascinated by the thought of a giant public outdoor toll elevator; oh wait, those are indeed the reasons why. It connects the Pelourinho which is up on the hill, with the bus loops and harbour on sea level. A quick alternative route to taking a bus down the hill. Although, as efficient as it sounds this elevator was out-of-service more often than not in the 6 days that we were there. As well as it closes at sundown and there is almost always a huge line up for it. So in reality it’s not all that convenient after all.

Elevator - Salvador, Brazil

The City of Colour: Salvador is a post from: Nadine Sykora | Hey Nadine

The City of Colour: Salvador |Hey Nadine

Hey Nadine


The City of Colour: Salvador

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